The White House announced that President Obama will re-nominate former National Labor Relations Board Member Sharon Block to the NLRB.
She is expected to replace Nancy Schiffer, whose appointment expires in December. Block was one of the President’s former recess appointments to the board the Supreme Court in June held were unconstitutional.
However, Block left the NLRB in July 2013 as part of the compromise hammered out by the Senate that eventually returned a full complement of five members to the board. The President withdrew nominations of recess appointees Richard Griffin – who was later nominated and confirmed as the NLRB general counsel – and Block.
They were replaced by Schiffer and Kent Hirozawa. The other nominees confirmed as part of the deal were Philip Miscimarra, Harry Johnson, III and current Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce.
Block’s confirmation is seen as almost inevitable and should help the NLRB re-affirm rulings that were invalidated by the Supreme Court decision.